The Thos. E. Tutt came up yesterday morning. She takes the place of the Fannie Ogden, as gunboat.
A pony belonging to the Virginia Hotel was "struck by lightning" Monday night.
Capt. Case and family arrived here yesterday afternoon by coach only seven days from Warrensburg. This roundabout way of getting east and west will soon be over for Kansas City people.
This vicinity is now enjoying peace -- the much coveted blessing of civilized nations. No guerrilla troubles have disturbed us for some time, and we trust, like all evils, they have had their day.
The travel on the Missouri Pacific Railroad is gradually increasing. It looks very cityfied to see trains leaving and arriving within our own corporation. The time is not far distant when we shall have a through railway connection with New York City. We learn that the work is being rapidly pushed forward at the other, and each day lessens our anxiety and shortens the gap.
A woman died from the effects of sunstroke in Leavenworth last Friday.
We are informed that Captain W. A. King , of Liberty, has been appointed Assistant Dep. Provost Marshal for Clay county.
The Grand Reception to Col. Weer comes off to-day at Wyandotte. We suppose that a large number of our citizens will be present.
J. H. Stuart, who was convicted of counterfeiting in 1859, and sentenced to the Missouri penitentiary for a period of five years, has just been pardoned out by the President.
NO DRAFT. -- The St. Joe News says that Governor Hall informed a gentleman in that city that there would be no draft in Missouri on the 5th, as our citizens have nobly responded to the call and furnished 24,000 men.