Yesterday the weather was delightfully cozy, and business lively. We hope the heat is now over entirely, and we have the commencement of that pleasant fall weather for which Missouri is justly celebrated.
The grading on Walnut and Second streets is going forward. It will leave several residences high and dry, but they, with other elevated houses, will soon have to come down to the level of civilization.
SALUTE. -- On the 5th inst., the President ordered one hundred guns fired in honor of our great victory at Atlanta.
LAWRENCE is said to be so well fortified that it could easily be held by the citizens against a force of five thousand assailants.
River business is getting dull, owing to the low stage of water. The steamer Hattie May is the only one advertised for this port and Leavenworth. The packet came down yesterday with a good deal of freight and passengers for this place. Emigration to this part of Missouri is on the increase.
RIGHT. -- Gen. Rosecrans has levied the sum of ten thousand dollars on the disloyal citizens of Rocheport, for the use of the widow and sisters of Thos. Waterman, who was murdered by bushwhackers.
CURTAILMENT. -- We saw a carload of defunct dogs pass down the street yesterday. The Marshal's orders are being promptly carried out, and bays and barks will no more make the night hideous.
THE DRAFT. -- The much-dreaded draft, which was to have commenced on Monday morning, did not come off. the enrolling officers had been notified that certain credits were to be apportioned among the several districts, and they have not time to prepare the papers. We are aware, however, that the draft will take place in a short time -- unless, indeed, the enlistments render it unnecessary; no volunteering is going on at so lively a rate, that the quota may be filled in time to avoid the draft. The capture of Atlanta drives another nail into the coffin of the rebellion, and the war perhaps, will be over in sixty days. The man who volunteers now, and draws the large bounty offered, will make a good speculation.
THE RECEPTION OF THE TENTH KANSAS. -- The gathering on the banks of the Kaw river, opposite Wyandot, to do honor to the Tenth Kansas and its Colonel, was quite large. Colonel Weer addressed the meeting and paid a high compliment to the heroic soldiers of the Tenth Kansas, then entered upon a vindication of himself, and wound up his speech with the warm desire that peace would soon smile again upon this war-torn land. After the Colonel had concluded, the company partook of a pic-nic dinner, which was freely relished under the shady boughs of the spreading trees. Much good feeling prevailed, and the whole reception went off gaily. We were not at the ball which came off in the evening at McAlpin's Hall, but suppose all had a good time.