The weather continues very pleasant. Business was good yesterday in the retail line.
The Izetta came upon Sunday, heavily laden for this place. She went down with a fair trip. The packet came down on Sunday, and unloaded considerable freight for our merchants. The Emilie is doing a heavy business this fall.
The Lexington Journal says that Tom. Pollard, a stage driver between this place and Warrensburg, has been arrested and charged with robbing the mail.
The Richmond papers announce that the rebel Gen. Price is about to invade Missouri again. Great numbers of the peaceable citizens of the State are expected to rally to his standard.
BRIDGE AND TURN TABLES ARRIVED. -- The superstructure of the Kansas River Railroad Bridge arrived in full on Sunday, and also three turn-tables.
Gen. Curtis arrived at Leavenworth from Fort Kearney on Saturday. He reports that he met no Indians. All is quiet at present.
The 11th Missouri regiment has lately been on action at Jose's Point, Arkansas, and lost nine killed and forty-two wounded. Major Pace was among the latter.
THE DANCE. -- Everybody who is in a dancing vain, must be at the ball to-night at Long's Hall. It will be a pleasant affair, and we hope to see a goodly turn out.
LOST. -- A large spotted Mexican dog, with a bobbed tail and ears cropped. Had on when he left a leather strap with a ring on it. An one leaving the above dog or information of his whereabouts at this office, will be liberally awarded.
The St. Louis Union says a man was arrested in Indianapolis last Saturday night, on the supposition that he was the murderer Quantrell. A few days afterwards a person from St. Louis called on the military authorities, and assured them that the prisoner was not Quantrell, as he (the St. Louis man) was ell acquainted with the bushwhacker When the inquiry was made, "who are you?" he could not give a satisfactory account of himself, and was therefore locked up with his friend Quantrell.