Business was lively yesterday, especially among our dry goods merchants.
Tomatoes, the most healthful of all vegetables, are now quite abundant and cheap in our market.
There is very little doing now at the Recorder's office. This speaks well for the morals of the city, if it does not fill the treasury.
Major Bratton, known as the fighting parson of North Missouri, has enlisted as a private, and has been sworn into service, and hsi papers made out.
We had no eastern mail yesterday, the boat failing to connect with the stage. We are getting used to this sort of thing, but thanks to locomotives we shall soon have an eastern connection of our own.
NEW YORK STORE. -- This establishment has just received a heavy stock of new goods, of the latest style and quality. It is just from the New York markets, and comprises everything in the dry goods line. Buyers must judge for themselves, and we advise all to pay it a visit.
SICKNESS. -- The mortality among children in Paola during the past week has been very large. In one day no less than six little ones was carried off. The past season has been one of great fatality to children throughout the entire country.
BUSHWHACKERS. -- The Leavenworth Conservative says that during last Sunday night a party of six bushwhackers visited the neighborhood of Martin's Mills, in Buchanan county, Mo., and robbed the homes of three Union men. They entered the houses and demanded the money of the inmates, and having secured that, disappeared in the darkness.
ORDER NO. 6. -- We trust this military order will soon be revoked. It is having a most unfortunate effect on the business in this city. It not only damages the liquor merchants, but it keeps away other buyers, and the reason for it has not yet been made known to the civilian whose interests it so vitally affects. Our citizens feel it as a great injustice, and are loud in their complaints.
POSTPONEMENT OF THE DRAFT. -- We understand from St. Louis that until the proper quotas are awarded to Missouri, and the credits given for volunteers, the draft will be postponed. At any rate the number required is very small, and skedaddlers who have left for the land of sage brush and fandangos can now return and attend to their business.