The Packet came down yesterday morning, well loaded. The steamer Post Boy came up yesterday, and landed a large amount of freight at the levee. The steamer Bart. Able came up last evening, with a good list of passengers and freight. She put off a large amount of goods at this port.
MELONS. -- The "melon-cholic days" are passing away. Everybody has been surfeited, and melons are now among the things that have no attraction for the eyes or stomach.
Lieut. Col. Burris of the Tenth Kansas regiment has been mustered out of the service, and returns to his home in Johnson county to resume the practice of the law.
DEATH OF CLAIM. JACKSON, JR. -- We are informed that Claiborne F. Jackson, Jr., the third son of Governor Claib. Jackson, died a short time since at Matamoras, of small pox.
FOUND. -- A sum of money was found on the 27th inst. The owner can have the same by calling at Crandall & Hoyt's store, No. 7 east levee, by paying for this notice and proving property.
THE INDIANS AND THE TELEGRAPH.-- It is a singular fact t hat while the plains for some hundreds of miles west of Atchison are now swept by hostile Indians, and all white men are driven away, the poles and wires of the Western Union Telegraph Company are not disturbed. It is said that the Indians have a superstition which restrains them from disturbing the wires on which the "whispering spirit" travels.