The Post boy came down yesterday morning with a fair load for St. Louis.
We shall be glad when our liquor merchants are again underway. They are to ones that give spirit to trade.
SICKNESS. -- All of our country exchanges speak of a good deal of sickness and many deaths from flux.
DUST. -- This valuable article flew fast and furious yesterday, freely begriming the visages of the parboiled pedestrains.
SQUIRREL RAID. -- We learn that in addition to the guerrilla raids, farmers in the interior of Missouri are suffering from a squirrel raid. In Monroe county this nimble little animal is making sad "havoc" with the corn in the timbered neighborhoods. In some localities whole fields have been nearly destroyed.
TOBACCO IN THE ARMY. -- Our soldier boys have a great affection for the weed, and the fragrant effluvia of the smoking pipe. This is evident from the large amounts of money they pay out of their wages for it. To do without it has an indirect affect on their health and spirits. Night marches have seemed as long again for want of tobacco. Picket duty has been more wearing and wearisome. In camp the hours have passed restlessly, discontentedly. The first result is that your confined nicotian loses in spirit and then he loses it in health. There are thousands who long for the "piping time of peace," not because they are times of peace, but because they are pipe-ing times.