Yesterday the weather was warm, and business a little dull.
ATTORNEY GENERAL. -- Lieut. Col. Thos. T. Crittenden, of the Sixth M. S. M., has been, by Gov. Hall, appointed Attorney General of Missouri.
REVOKED. -- We understand that Order No. 6 has been "all taken back," and out liquor merchants will be again permitted to sell the "spiritual." Saloons will also open. this intelligence will quench the thirst of many a thirsty masculine.
The packet came down early yesterday, loaded as usual for this port. The steamer Yellow Stone came up yesterday morning, and unloaded a large quantity of freight at our levee. Col. Foster, our worthy postmaster, returned on the packet yesterday looking as "handsome' as ever.
BOY SHOT. -- A boy about twelve years old, named David McKesson, shot himself on yesterday, with a pistol, tearing his left hand to pieces very badly and lodging the ball in his left leg. Dr. Ridge dressed his wound. Parents should take caution from this occurrence, not to let children have fire arms for play things.
The Santa Fe Coach went out yesterday, well loaded for the Great Plains.
The First Colorado battery has arrived at Lawrence. It numbers about one hundred men and is under command of Lieut. Beach.
The 43d and 44th regiments commanded by Colonels Harding and Bradshaw, are now full and ready for mustering into the service.
Quite a scare existed at Baldwin City on Monday of last week, from a report that eight hundred bushwhackers were approaching the town.