T. DWIGHT THACHER, Editor and Proprietor.

Wednesday, August 3, 1864.

     The river is falling at this point.  There are now five feet scant in the channel.

     There was a sprinkle yesterday morning early, but not enough to lay the dust.  P. S.  Said sprinkle was renewed last night with commendable vigor.

     Melons are plenty in market, but the prices high.  This melon-choly fact debars many from enjoying the luxury.

     The rebel chief, Thornton, with a large number of guerrillas, crossed to the south side of the Missouri, below Lexington, a few days since.

     A large party of Mormon emigrants, numbering about eight hundred and fifty, and occupying, togehter with their personal effects, twenty four cars, passed through St. Joseph the other day, enroute for the land of Saints and women.

     BARBER'S NOTICE. -- We, the undersigned barbers of Kansas City have raised our prices for shaving to 15 cents; hair cutting 35 cents; shampooing 35 cents.