TELEGRAM. -- Operator in St. Joe signals operator in Kansas city, and inquires if Leavenworth is on the Missouri River. The reply flashed over the lines with electric veracity, "No. It is on the bank!"
NATIONAL HUMILIATION. -- To-day will be observed throughout the Union, as a day of humiliation and prayer by the people of the United States, in pursuance of a joint resolution of Congress and the proclamation of the President, for the speedy ending of the war and the restoration of peace. We believe our churches generally hold service to-day.
NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. -- The assessment of the city for the year 1864 having been completed and returned, the same will be open to public inspection, at the office of the City register, until Thursday, the 11th day of August, 1864, when the City Council wil sit as a Court of Appeals to hear and determine all appeals from said assessment.
Rev. J. B. Fuller will preach at the Baptist Church this morning at 10 1/2 o'clock, in observance of the day of "Humiliation and Prayer" as requested by the President of the United States.
NOTICE. -- The tax lists, including the licenses, Income tax and the manufacturers' monthly lists, have been received for the counties of Jackson, Cass and Bates. This is to notify all whom it may concern that the taxes are now due and payable. Attention is particularly directed to handbills posted in various places in the District, from which it will be seen that after a notice of ten days has been given, a penalty of ten per cent, and other necessary expenses will be added to delinquents. My office is in the Court House at Kansas City, where I may be found from 7 o'clock A. M. till 6 o'clock P. M., for ten days, commencing August 6th, 1864, Sundays excepted.
C. F. SMITH, U. S. Dept. Col.
C. F. SMITH, U. S. Dept. Col.