The 10th Kansas will be mustered out on the 12th, their three years having expired.
The Glasgow, one of the Missouri boats that was burned at St. Louis at the last steamboat fire, is to be rebuilt. Her machinery and hull were but slightly injured.
TEAMS WANTED. -- Twenty to thirty teams are wanted immediately to draw hay to Leavenworth on the Lawrence road. From $5 to $10 a day can be made. Apply to R. R. Danbar at Leavenworth.
Col. Montgomery, the commander of the black troops at Charleston, South Carolina, is at his home in Kansas, on leave of absence. He was serenaded at the Torrey House, Paola, on Thursday evening last.
MRS. AMMONS. -- We had the satisfaction yesterday of dining at this popular boarding house, and can bear great-full testimony to the generous profusion with which she spreads her table. Mrs. A. is an admirable caterer, and deserves a rich return for her labors. We warmly recommend her house to all.
The celebration of the opening of the Pacific Railroad to Lawrence on the 18th, has been postponed in consequence of inability to procure suitable coaches in conjunction with the death of Mr. Samuel Hallett. The road will be free to all who wish to ride, however, but no celebration takes place. It will be finished to Lawrence on the day above named.