Sunshine and security as yet reign supreme in our city. The item market is dull and the guerrillas invisible.
Bedsteads with refrigerator attachments would be a good thing just now.
PUBLIC DEBT. -- The public debt is now one billion-eight hundred and twenty-seven millions, four hundred and ninety-two thousands and one hundred and ninety dollars and thirty one cents.
The track of the Union Pacific railway has been laid to within five miles of Lawrence. The contractors are confident they will be able to complete it by the 18th inst., at which time the grand celebration is to come off.
Domestic wines made of berries an sugar, without the inclusion of distilled spirits, are subject to tax as manufacturers, or five per cent. ad valorem. When distilled spirits are used, the tax is fifty cents per gallon.
An exhibition of the Freedman's School will be held this evening, at 8 o'clock, at the Court House. Tickets for admission 25 cents; children, 10 cents. The proceeds to be applied to paying the expenses of the school.
The Missouri River is getting very low again. It is now a scant four feet in the channel to St. Louis. Business has improved considerably in down freights, but exceedingly dull in upward bound boats, there being little or nothing coming toward, while going downstream there is an abundance of hemp, tobacco, etc., offering.