The steamer Bart. Abie came up on Sunday, lightly loaded. The packet Emilie came down on Sunday with a good load. Among the passengers we noticed a number of old citizens.
We learn that the old bridge over the Kaw river fell in on Saturday.
We learn that the following persons died near Barry, Clay county , week before last, of flux: Judge T. M. Chevis, aged about 60; A. Wood, aged 55; Mrs. B. F. Long, aged 35; Mrs. Asa Higbee, and Mrs. Henry Wilhite.
MEDICAL LECTURE. -- On account of the inclemency of the weather, Mrs. D. Barclay postponed her lecture until this evening, at 4 o'clock. Our exchanges speak most highly of this lady's ability.
"WORSHIPPING IDOLS." -- Under this profound and Hindooish caption, the Lawrence Tribune notices ye local's earnest appeal to the clerk of the weather. Our brother's authodox advertisement is commendable, but he reminds us of one who straineth at a gnat and swalloweth a saw-mill. Despite our idolatry the petition has been answered.
THE PIC-NIC. -- This festive gathering last Sunday was pronounced a huge success by all who attended it, and gave general satisfaction. Feasting in the sylvan woods, with Gambrinus to rule over the festivities, is happiness enough for any mortal.
SEATS STOLEN. -- If the person who took the seats from a sleigh in Westport, under cover of night, wishes to avoid the disgrace of exposure and arraignment before the authorities having jurisdiction in such cases, he can do so by returning the property within a few days. He may rest assured that he is known and will be exposed unless the seats are promptly returned.