Yesterday was -- well, you all know how pleasant it was.
Business is always lively on Saturday. Yesterday the town was full of country folks, and our merchants did a good retail trade.
ANOTHER STEAMER FIRED INTO. -- The steamer Omaha came up yesterday, and left a large amount of freight at this port. We understand she was fired into below here by guerrillas, killing one man. It is estimated that about one hundred shots struck the boat. The fire was returned from the steamer, and two bushwhackers were seen to fall.
The Mayor of Leavenworth has been authorized by the City Council to purchase a steam fire engine and apparatus, at an expense of $10,000. What has become of our fire companies?
MEAT MARKET. -- Those desiring tender and fine flavored meats, we point them towards the stall of Messrs. Ross & Truett. These gentlemen stand unexcelled for good steaks and roasts.
WOOL. -- A train of nine wagons, loaded with wool, came in yesterday. It was all bought by Mr. Wells for the eastern market. The train contained about 24,000 pounds, and brought from 45c to 50c per pound.
TOBACCO. -- Bachman, Tobener & Co. are manufacturing a large amount of excellent chewing tobacco. The specimens sent to our typos are pronounced more delicious than honeycomb.
DEATH BY POISON. -- Mrs. Zuzer, an old lady, died in this city last Thursday from the effects of Strychnine. She was almost dead when discovered by her husband. Medical aid was immediately called in, but it was too late.