WARM. -- Yesterday the weather was excessively warm, and at night the mosquitoes were out in brigades bayonetting everybody outside of a net fortification.
The packet came down early yesterday, with a heavy load of freight for this place. A number of our merchants are receiving their new fall goods.
A daily mail will commence running from this place to Liberty on Monday. This will greatly accommodate our subscribers in Clay county.
A CAPTURE. -- Several boys, while skiffing it on the river day before yesterday, captured a small flat boat, to which was attached a dead horse. The animal is supposed to have belonged to some guerrillas, who lost it while attempting to cross the river.
Mr. Henry Shaffer, of Kansas City, who was killed by the Indians on the evening of July 24th, at Labonta, some sixty miles from Fort Laramie, was taken to the Fort and buried with appropriate ceremonies by the Odd Fellows.
Hovey Lowman, senior editor of the Lawrence State Journal, has disposed of his interest in that paper and gone to Michigan.
RAFFLE. -- Those interested in the raffle for the fine Double Barrel Shot Gun, will please attend this evening at the Bennet House Saloon, at 8 o'clock, P. M.
LATE PAPERS. -- Many of our subscribers did not get their papers until quite late yesterday morning. The sause was the sickness of our carrier. The same reason prevented our mail matter being put in in time for the early coaches. we are sorry, but these little drawbacks will occur sometimes in the best regulated families.