Yesterday was one of the hottest days of the season.
The Mary E. Forsyth went down yesterday. The Monsoon arrived at our levee last evening. She landed a large amount of freight.
Gamblers would do well to take notice of Military General Orders, No. 35, that all gambling saloons now in this city will be immediately closed and are not to be opened again without permission of the proper authority. Persons keeping such saloons or club rooms who fail or refuse to comply with the order will have their property seized, and themselves arrested and tried for disobedience of orders. By the order of Major J. Nelson Smith, as relayed by Albert Gooding, 2nd Lieut. and Station Adjutant.
McDonald & Smith have a fine lot of side saddles for ladies and misses. Call and see them.
A big ox train from New Mexico, loaded with wool, arrived yesterday morning.
NEWSPAPER CHANGE. -- The Paola Crusader has changed hands, J. H. Scott and G. W. Akers succeeding T.. H. Ellis, as editors and proprietors.
FOURTH OF JULY BALL. -- Among the festivities of our Anniversary of Independence, there will be a grand social hop at Long's Hall, on the night of the Fourth. A general good time may be expected. Tickets, $3, including supper.
The Fifteenth and Sixteenth regiments, K. V., have been ordered to the front. Their places will be supplied by three months' men, one regiment of which the One Hundredth and Thirty-eighth Illinois, arrived at Fort Leavenworth Monday evening.
MELVILLE'S AUSTRALIAN CIRCUS. -- Our circus-going and mirth-loving people will be delighted to learn that Jas. Melville's great Australian Circus will open in Kansas City next Saturday, giving an afternoon and evening performance. Our exchanges speak in the highest terms of praise of the Australian Circus. The artistes of this troupe are composed of the most eminent equestrians, gymnasts, acrobats, clowns, equilibrists, jugglers and contortionists in the world, who will introduce a series of magnificent performances , of vivid interest and picturesque beauty. The brilliant scenes of the circle are of an order that cannot be rivaled.