Quantrell Reported Marching on the Town with 700 Men!
Troops Hurried from the Fort
Quantrell Reported Marching on the Town with 700 Men!
Troops Hurried from the Fort
We learned from parties yesterday morning that great excitement prevailed in Leavenworth, the day before, over a rumor that Quantrell was marching on the town with 700 men. The Militia were called out and the troops were hurried down from the Fort. We got no mail from Leavenworth yesterday, so that we cannot give particulars. but there is no doubt that there is a large gathering of bushwhackers north of the river, and when they may make a strike in that direction, nobody can tell. The great amount of plunder they would get in Leavenworth makes that a coveted point for the guerrillas to obtain possession of. We shall await further particulars with interest.
No Eastern mail yesterday. Cars said to have run off the track on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.
A New Mexican train was rolling out last evening. This business has been on the increase for a week past.
The heat and drought continue unabated.
We got no Leavenworth papers yesterday. We hope Quantrell has not "gobbled up" our brethren of the press in the "metropolis of Kansas."
MORE IRON AND CARS FOR THE MO. PACIFIC R. R. -- We chronicle the arrival of an other boat load of iron and cars for the Missouri Pacific R. R. The boat was unloading yesterday. Railroad matters, certainly, never looked more promising for this city than now.
We learn that a little colored boy was so shamefully maltreated on the levee day before yesterday, was carried home insensible and supposed to be dead. He revived, however, under medical aid, and may recover. It was a most dastardly outrage, and those concerned in the outrage, and those concerned in it deserve the severest punishment. That he was not murdered outright, was not because his assailants did not try their best to kill him.