Lieut. Berthoud is to leave us. Sorry, for he is a good officer and a gentleman. However, he steps "up higher." May his successor succeed in giving as general satisfaction.
FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. -- There will be a meeting at the Court House this evening, for the purpose of making arrangements for the celebration of the Fourth of July. All those interested are requested to attend. MANY CITIZENS.
FREE WOOD. -- At Duncans' saw-mill a large amount of bark, taken from the logs, accumulates. It makes good stove-wood, and those w ho choose are allowed to take it away free of charge. It is quite a favor to many families.
We are glad to learn from a gentleman who has just been on a little trip out into Kansas, that the crops there are looking very fine. Seasonable rains have prevailed in most parts and crops of all kinds promise an abundant yield.
Wm. Logan, a notorious character, who had been sentenced at Kansas City to three years imprisonment, and who escaped and was re-captured in our city some time since, was sent back night before last to Fort Leavenworth. -- St. Joseph Tribune.
We notice in the Lawrence Journal the list of unredeemed lands in Douglas county sold for taxes in the year 1860. Some names of citizens of this city are in the list. If they wish to save their property, they would do well to attend to the matter, as the time for redemption will very soon expire.
We learn that the Fourth of July will be appropriately celebrated at the Shawnee Mission by a picnic, speeches, &c. Capt. Joy's company of the 12th Kansas, the citizens of Westport and the neighborhood about the Mission, are all united in the matter.
A bath in the Kansas river in the morning is about the best preparation to endure these hot days which a man can make. Ride up in the Wyandot omnibus the first trip in the morning and you can spend half an hour in the water and get back to town in time for busines. There is a splendid bathing place there -- nice clean bank, smooth, slooping bottom, and any depth of water you may choose. It is much better and safer than the muddy and treacherous Missouri.