It is said that the ladies who were out shopping yesterday, visited only those stores where the streets had been cleaned in front of them.
Three boats, the Monsoon, Prairie Rose, and the Kate Kinney unloaded a large amount of freight for this city. The Prairie Rose also had freight for this place. The Emilie came down at the usual hour the same day.
Our merchants get freights from New York by way of St. Louis and the Missouri River several weeks earlier than by the Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R.
MAIL ROBBED. -- Tod's bushwhackers robbed the mail going east, last Saturday morning, at the crossing of the Little Blue. Two horses were taken from the stage.
The Post Office Saloon received the first Wyandot Lager Beer to-day, and will continue to keep it for sale throughout the season.
Capt. C. F. Hall, who , twenty months ago, returned from a two years and four months' exploration of the Aortic region, intends to set sail on the 15th of June for another and more thorough voyage of discovery.
MILITIA NOTICE. -- Members of Co. A., 77th Reg., E. M. M., are hereby ordered to report immediately at the armory at Diveley's Queensware store and receive arms and equipments. By order of F. H. Kump, Capt. Commanding.
Members of Co. A are ordered to draw arms and equipments from the armory. That is right. Let everybody be thoroughly armed, not only the militia but all citizens should be armed and prepared for any emergency which may arise.