Cavalry horses hereafter will be inspected only at Fort Leavenworth.
The steamer Suns came up yesterday. There is no lack of water now for boats of the larger size.
FUNERAL. -- A funeral discourse will be preached this morning at the Baptist Church, at half past ten o'clock, by Rev. J. B. Fuller, upon the death of Mrs. Susan B. Bullene.
We learn by the Grasshopper Falls Jeffersonian, if the 1st inst., that the residence of Col. Lynde, of the 9th Kansas Regiment, situated about two miles from that place, was totally destroyed by fire.
The Big foot race comes off next Saturday. Twenty Giants have already entered the list and piles of money are sinked on the result. The affair promises furious fun. May the best man win.
The bushwhackers entered New Market, in Platte county, on Wednesday, and "cleaned out" the store of N. P. Ogden, robbing him of about $3,000. They have committed several robberies and stolen a good many horses of late in Clay county.
A meeting will be held at the Court House to-morrow evening at eight o'clock, to consider measures for the protection of the city. Let everyone be present. We can make our homes and property secure, our wives and children safe. Let us do it.
The German School of this city, we understand, is in a very flourishing condition. The number of pupils is greater than the room now occupied will accommodate. An addition to their school house is to be built. We are glad to note this encouraging feature in the educational interests of the city.