The body of an unknown man was taken from the river at St. Joseph. He had evidently been murdered.
Good rifles and a supply of ammunition were placed in the hands of the members of Company A, E. M. M., yesterday. Capt. Kump will have an efficient company ready for duty if required.
We see farmers from Clay county and from Kansas, almost every day, driving out of town with mowers and reapers under their wagons. The sale of these machines has been very extensive this season.
OMNIBUS FOR SALE. -- Payne & Toler will sell at auction on Saturday, the 11th inst., a second-hand omnibus in complete order. Sale at half past ten o'clock, in the fore-noon, in front of the Court House.
SOCIAL PARTY. -- Cards are out for a social hop at the Hamm House to-morrow night. This is the first dance given by this popular hotel, and we expect to see a gay and festive throng -- many "twinkling feet" keeping time to music's "voluptuous swell," &c.
We took occasion yesterday to make a brief visit to the n ew tobacco manufactory of Messrs. Bachman, Tobener & Co., situated on Main street, between Second and Third. The firm but have recently got to work, but are already employing twenty hands and turning out from 2,500 to 3,000 pounds of manufactured tobacco per week. They occupy three stories with their presses, stripping and trying rooms, &c. They are making the finest brands of chewing tobacco -- fully equal to the best made in St. Louis. The same firm are also manufacturing fine brands of cigars. The importance of this branch of business to our city is by no means slight. It affords a good home market for all the tobacco raised in this county. We see almost daily teams unloading tobacco from over the river, sometimes from a distance of twenty miles. Of course people who come here to sell tobacco stop here to trade. Manufacturers re the real life of a place, and we are glad to witness the establishment of so important a brand in our midst.