The thermometer indicated one hundred degrees in the shade at noon yesterday.
The boys on duty at the guard house yesterday were under obligations to the proprietor of the Gillis House, Mr. Hopkins, for a liberal supply of ice. It was very acceptable.
A celebration in honor of the Kansas First Volunteer Regiment is to be held in Wyandot to-morrow, at 9 a. m. No honor is too great for the veteran defenders of our country's flag.
BOOK LOST. -- Lost by Robert Wyland, between this city and Westport, a few days since, a memorandum book. The finder will confer a favor and shall be suitably rewarded, by leaving it at the Journal of Commerce office, or at Pat Cassady's stable.
The examinations of Wm. Jewell College will commence to-day at 9 o'clock, a. m. On Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock, an address will be delivered before the Literary Societies by the Rev. J. B. Fuller, of Kansas City. On Friday evening, at 8 o'clock precisely, the Literary Societies will hold their annual exhibition. The public are respectfully and cordially invited to attend all the exercises.
Co. C, Citizern Guards, reported yesterday morning with their organization complete. Wm. O. Shouse, Captain' Adam Long, 1st Lieutenant; S. B. Kerr, 2d Lieutenant. There are fully one hundred men in the company.