We see from the Gazette that the people of Wyandot are organizing their militia. It is a prudent step.
A "FLOATER." -- The remains of a man much decayed was taken from the sand-bar near Wyandot, yesterday, and buried.
The Annual Examination of the young ladies of Clay Seminary is now in progress at the Presbyterian Church in Liberty, and will close next Friday.
RAIN NEEDED. -- The dry w3eather is beginning to tell unfavorably on the crops. There has been no rain to speak of in this locality, for nearly two months. The ground, however, at that time, was thoroughly soaked.
WYANDOT BRIDGE. -- The Legislature of Kansas, at its last session, granted a charter to the Wyandot Ferry Company, to build a bridge over the Kansas River, between this city and Wyandot. The contract for the building of the bridge has been let, and the work is already well under way. The bridge is to be finished by the 1st of October, we believe. Messrs. Keeler and Waterman, of this city, have the contract of building it.
The Union Pacific Railroad bridge over the Kansas River is fast approaching completion. The piling is all done, and much of hte structure is erected. The pile driver has been removed to the bridge which is being built by the Wyandot Ferry Company, near the ferry.
A sort of impromptu railroad and picnic excursion came off Wednesday of this week, which seemed to make happy a pretty large party of the beauty and chivalry of Wyandot. The train left here about 11 a. m., went up to the end of the track, something over twenty miles, remained there long enough to allow the party to enjoy a fine dinner and ramble about the country, and returned before sundown. The entire party appeared to enjoy the excursion hugely.
We learn that arrangements are in progress for giving Col. Roberts and the brave boys of the Kansas First, a cordial welcome on their return to Wyandot. They are now at Fort Leavenworth being mustered out of the service, and have had a formal and enthusiastic reception by the civil and military authorities and citizens of Leavenworth and the Fort. Let us give the scarred veterans, who opened the great war for freedom so gloriously at Springfield, a hearty welcome.