Large bodies of troops in Kansas are being concentrated near the Missouri line.
The Leavenworth Times has a strong and sound article supporting the nomination of Mr. Lincoln.
A fleet of twelve prairie schooners just in from the plains, passed our window yesterday morning.
We are pleased to see the genial countenance of Major Ransom, of the Sixth Kansas Cavalry, in our midst. He is here on a short visit.
FOR RENT. -- The elegant and commodious sales-room beneath the Journal of Commerce office and now occupied by W. F. F. Grigsby, as a dry goods store. Inquire at this office.
The Enrolled Militia have been doing a good service on guard duty and the like at this post since Tuesday morning. A part of our hands from the office have been on this service, leaving us somewhat short of help.
The Lawrence Tribune says: "Some few days since two bushwhackers were caught, near the line; after which they were shot by some of the Eleventh. One of them confessed that he was at Lawrence at the time of the raid, was in Price's army, and that about the time Quantrell was preparing to come to Lawrence, he was pressed by Quantrell into his gang. Justice is slow sometimes, but always sure.