The Monsoon arrived yesterday morning with freight for this place and above. The Live Oak brought up 270 tons of iron for the U. P. R E. D., yesterday morning.
The Wharfmaster will sell old iron upon the levee to-day at ten o'clock, a. m.
Just received by Cooper & Gregg, a large and choice lot of Revolving Hay Rakes, Grain Cradles, Seythes and Snaths.
Louis Danzer has created a magic soda fountain at his place, two doors south of the Post office. Delicious cold drinks at all hours. Call and get an invigorating draught.
We learn that the cook of the steamer Paragon, whom the deck-hands took on shore and shot at Independence landing, was not killed, after all. He was shot twice, but lived, and bid fair to recover.
Mr. C. A. Lewis, "Champion rope performer of the world," will astonish the good people of Kansas City with his wonderful performance at Long's Hall this evening.
MILITIA. -- We saw a gentleman from Willow Springs yesterday. He said that they have a good company, well armed and ready at a moment's warning. There is a good company, well organized, in Kanwaka, and a good company in Lecompton township, ready for action at any time, should it be required. All the militia companies of the county should look well to a good supply of arms and ammunition. Let this be done, and the State is safe. -- Lawrence Tribune.