Two bushwhackers were recognized and arrested in Leavenworth Thursday.
As usual, promptly on time the Santa Fe stage went out yesterday, with its load of passengers and freight.
Some fourteen men, arrested by the military in Platte Township, Clay county, were brought here yesterday to be sent to St. Joseph on the packet. The boat left just before they arrived, but was intercepted at a wood yard above Wyandot, and the prisoners put on board. We could not learn what the charges were against them.
Special Orders, No. 32, will be very interesting to all of our citizens. In short, those citizens who have not already enrolled themselves in either the Enrolled Missouri Militia, Capt. Hickman's or Capt. Carpenter's Company, will immediately proceed to organize themselves into companies of 100, electing their own officers. The Commanding offic3ers of each Company will report his command at Headquarters within 24 hours from this date. All delinquents from duty, and all citizens failing to enroll themselves will be arrested and dealt with by martial law.
Col. Van Horn arrived on the boat yesterday morning from the Baltimore Convention. His notice there meets the views of the vast majority of our citizens. Our people never took any stock in the Cleveland movement. Those who support the Union party will vote for Lincoln and Johnson.
We learn that Hainesville, Clay county, was visited by a party of bushwhackers Thursday night. They robbed a store, and committed other depredations.
Jas. A. Walker, one of our dry goods merchants, is moving into his new store on Main st reet, opposite the Court House. Mr. Walker is one of our fairest and most industrious business men.
The iron and locomotive for this end of the Pacific road, have already been shipped at Saint Louis, and are on the way to this city. A gentleman just form Saint Louis informs us of this fact.
About sixty citizens of the Third Ward, have organized into a Military Company, and tendered their services to the Commander of the Post for protection of the city. The officers are B. L. Riggins, Capt.; M. J. Payne, First Lieut.; and Henry Speers, Second Lieut. We hope to see all citizens organized for defense.
Co. C, 77th Regiment, E. M. M., are to assemble at the Court House to-day, at 2 o'clock, p. m., for the purpose of receiving their arms, ammunitions, &c., by order of Daniel Cahill, 1st Lieut.