PUBLIC MEETING! -- A public meeting of this city will be held THIS (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Court House, to take instant measures for the better safety of the city. All persons able to bear arms are required to be present. Urgent measures are necessary. Col. Ford will be present at the meeting. BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE.
Ripe cherries were in the market yesterday. New potatoes have been in market several days. They sell by the quart and at a pretty high figure at that.
The gallant old Kansas First -- what there is left of it -- has gone home from the war, their three years having expired. They arrived at Leavenworth on Friday.
There will be a grand social dance at Long's Hall, on Wednesday night, June 15th. A general invitation is extended.
Noah Allendorf, aged 15 years, the son of a widow lady south of St. Joe, was drowned in the lake below that town on Wednesday, while bathing.
We learn from the Wyandot Gazette that Mrs. Moore, Capt. C. N. H. Moore's mother, was thrown from her horse while returning from the picnic at Muncie, last Saturday, and was quite severely, if not dangerously, injured.
The M. S. Mepham brought up several hundred bars of iron for the railroad on Thursday. During low water it has been almost impossible to get iron, and the work of track-laying has been suspended for some time. It is probable, however, that with the present high stage of water, there will be no more difficulty in getting iron as fast as it will be wanted.
Peter Cloud, an Indian chief of the Weas, was killed by an Indian named John Pascall, on Thursday evening of last week, a few miles from Paola. Both parties were intoxicated and got into a fight, during which Pascall broke Cloud's neck. Pascall, on the following morning, started for Leavenworth to be mustered into the service, and at present is at large.
It has been ascertained that the bushwhacker killed in may, and who at the time was thought to possibly be Quantrell, was from Independence, and went by the name of Kelly.