The river is booming and continues to rise. The M. S. Mephan went down yesterday. She had a good number of passengers.
A ratification meeting is to be held this evening in Leavenworth, to ratify the nominations of Lincoln and Johnson.
The growing crops in this vicinity need rain very much. Frequent showers pass around us but no soaking rain has visited this locality for several weeks.
The "never excelled" J. S. Case Threshing Machine is for sale by Bullene, corner of Sixth and Main streets. Look at the beautiful sample, corner of Fifth street.
Capt. Croft, of the Indian Brigade, telegraphs to Fort Scott that there is a camp of some forty bushwhackers on Spring river. He says they are mostly half-breed Cherokees dressed in Federal uniform.
Rev. G. W. Paddock, of Lawrence, Kansas, was advertised to speak in various Methodist churches in New York City, last Sunday. An account of the Lawrence Massacre, of which he was an eye-witness, was to be the theme of his addresses.
Mr. A. Plaut has just opened a fine store opposite to Payne & Toler's, on Main street, to be devoted mainly to fancy goods, of which he has a new and attractive stock. Mr. Plaut is a young dealer in our midst, and we trust will receive a fair share of public patronage.
We are requested to state theta the various committees, appointed at the protection meeting held a few evenings since, will present their reports at a public meeting this evening, at t he Court House, at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested, that the work of the organization may be thoroughly completed. This is a matter of prime importance, and should be neglected by no good citizen.