Our reading matter is short for Sunday morning owing to sickness among the printers.
SPECIAL NOTICE from HAMMERSLOUGH BROTHERS. -- Owing to the slow progress of the workmen employed in our new building, we are obliged to remain another week at our Dry Goods House known as Thomas' Old Stand, corner of Main and Third streets.
No 1 Pony for Sale. -- Enquire at McHenry's store on Main street.
BOOK-BINDER WANTED. -- A good book-binder can find immediate and constant employment in this office.
CHURCH DIRECTORY. -- Methodist Service at 10 1/2 A. M. at Long's Hall, by Rev. C. Allen. Also at Westport at four o'clock in the evening. Sabbath school at Long's Hall at nine o'clock A. M.
CONGREGATIONAL SERVICES are held every Sabbath at 11 o'clock A. M. and at early candle-lighting in Mrs. Brown's School room, between Main street and Grand avenue, McGee's Addition. Sabbath school at Long's Hall at 10 o'clock A. M.
BAPTIST CHURCH. -- Preaching every Sabbath at 10 1/2 o'clock, A. M., and also at candle-lighting, by Rev. J. B. Fuller. Sabbath School meets at nine o'clock, A. M.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Christian Church meets for worship every Lord's Day at 10 1/2 o'clock.
CONGREGATIONAL SERVICES are held every Sabbath at 11 o'clock A. M. and at early candle-lighting in Mrs. Brown's School room, between Main street and Grand avenue, McGee's Addition. Sabbath school at Long's Hall at 10 o'clock A. M.
BAPTIST CHURCH. -- Preaching every Sabbath at 10 1/2 o'clock, A. M., and also at candle-lighting, by Rev. J. B. Fuller. Sabbath School meets at nine o'clock, A. M.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH. The Christian Church meets for worship every Lord's Day at 10 1/2 o'clock.
New Dry Goods Store. -- G. H. Ensel & Bro. have just opened a splendid stock of new goods, at their store on Main street, between Second and Third. they have everything of the latest style, and sell their goods low. We recommend them to our wholesale and retail buyers, and especially to the city trade.