Our reading matter is short owing to sickness among the printers.
No 1 Pony for Sale. -- Enquire at McHenry's store on Main street.
BOOK-BINDER WANTED. -- A good book-binder can find immediate and constant employment in this office.
BOILER FOR SALE. -- We have a large second hand boiler for steam or saw mill for sale at a bargain. PAYNE & TOLER.
LOST $40 or $45, by Dr. R. L. Jeffries, near Mr. Riggins' livery stable on the 25th inst. A liberal reward will be paid for the same, and no questions asked, at this office. also, about ten days ago, a Diamond-cluster Ring, with seven stones. Marked "R. L. J." on the inside. $40 will be paid for its return.
From the St. Joseph Herald. -- HOW TO PROTECT THE TELEGRAPH. -- It is well known that the telegraph between here and St. Louis has been kept down for a month or more by the guerrillas who infest the country below Kansas City. The annoyance caused by the non-working of the wires has been great not only to newspaper publishers, but the public generally. we believe an effective and certain remedy can be found for this evil, one that will put a stop to it at once and forever. Let the commander of the District where these deprivations are now and have been committed, issue an order to the effect that the disloyal citizens living within five miles of the line in either direction, will hereafter be held responsible for its preservation, and whenever the line is broken or otherwise injured, such disloyal citizens shall be assessed to pay damages, and required to make all necessary repairs, or assist in making them, when notified. The citizens can prevent the breaking of the line if they are so disposed. we are positive the remedy suggested would prove to be a satisfactory one.