Dr. Wm. J. Schaerff has removed his office to the corner of Fifth and Main streets.
The Emilie has been applied with a howitzer for the better protection of the boat against any attack by bushwhackers.
Ripe peaches as large as your fist and as luscious as peaches only can be, are advertised as a drug in the California markets.
The Evening Star came up yesterday morning, and unloaded a large lot of freight at our levee. She met with no trouble between here and St. Louis.
A couple of men were stopped yesterday, says the St. Joseph News of the 20th, two miles beyond Agency Ford on the Plattsburg road, by guerrillas, and robbed of clothing and money.
The St. Joseph Herald reports that an emigrant train of thirteen wagons was attacked last week near Fort Laramie, by six hundred Sioux. The emigrants were killed, their freight stolen and their wagon burned.
NOTICE. -- The Union League will meet at their Hall on next Monday evening, the 25th day of the present month at 8 1/2 o'clock. Business of very great importance will be transacted, and every member is particularly requested to be present.