WRAPPING PAPER. -- We have a lot of old exchanges, suitable for wrapping paper, for sale cheap.
The weather we are having at present may be called pretty hot by some people. One thing we do know, that it requires a great deal of "masterly inactivity" and plenty of ice to keep cool.
There was considerable activity among the military yesterday. As we are not in the soldier business now, of course we can not tell what they are going to do.
Notwithstanding the excessive heat of the last two or three days, there has been a great number of country people in town, and business has been very good.
William Payne, late editor and publisher of the Neosho Valley Register, died at his residence in Burlington, on Sunday morning, 17th inst.
Messrs. Ditsch & Aeuer have bought the building and grounds of the "old Kansas City Mill." They intend refitting it for grinding wheat and corn; they are also going to connect a distillery with it. The only thing which prevents them from going to work immediately is that a temporary stable for Government use is on the ground. If the stable could be removed conveniently, we should have a mill in operation soon, a thing needed in the city more than anything else.
MARRIED. -- In this city, on the evening of the 27th inst., at the house of the bride's father, by Col. A. G. Newgent, Mr. Levi W. Allen of Company H, 2d Colorado Cavalry, and Miss Sarah C. Smith, all of this city. We understand the ceremony was witnessed by many friends, and the marriage feast replete with those things that delight the inner man. In the fullness of their joy, the happy pair did not forget the printer. May the waves of pleasure now roll over them, never feel a retiring ebb; may their sky be as bright as the sparkling drops we quarried to their weal, and when time shall have silvered the locks of youth, and children make glad the hearthstone, may they find on the tablet of memory no record to darken the evening of life.