H. Clay Pate, once pretty well known in these parts, is said to have been among the rebels killed in Sheridan's late great raid.
The gallant regiment of the Tenth Kansas is again doing duty in St. Louis. Two hundred of the boys have re-enlisted as veteran volunteers.
Many of the Idaho adventurers are writing back doleful letters. Gold seeking is the same dubious lottery there that it always has been elsewhere.
There seems to be no doubt of the death of the rebel General J. E. B. Stuart. The Richmond Dispatch of the 14th contains an account of his funeral the day before.
A number of cases were brought before the City Recorder yesterday for violation of City Ordinances. Five persons were arraigned for keeping open saloons on Sunday. he Recorder imposed the fines prescribed by law. Some of the cases will be appealed.
We hare happy to inform the parties who think that Kansas City has lost the Santa Fe trade, that one house alone here has sold to that trade during the last two weeks about thirty thousand dollars worth of goods.
A noted bushwhacker, by the name of Hadley, was shot at Warrensburg last Friday, by order of Gen. Brown. The sentence was carried into effect by Lieut. J. H. Smith, Assistant Provost Marshal. He made a confession, which showed that he had been a desperate character.