Immigrant wagons pass through the city every day. A great portion of them are bound for Southern Kansas.
A large train started from this city yesterday for the gold mines of Idaho. They had a fine outfit in every respect. Splendid mule teams, new wagons, everything requisite for an easy trip out and a profitable time after they get there. We hope they may get piles of gold.
We learn that Mr. Sauer and son were among those of our citizens who started for Idaho yesterday.
The paymaster we understand was distributing greenbacks to the soldiers at Independence yesterday. He is expected to pay the troops at this post to-day.
The Fanny Ogden arrived yesterday morning. Several families of immigrants landed at this city. They had with them their teams, farming implements, household furniture, and everything prepared to commence business on the new farms which they are about to purchase. The Ogden had on a lot of passengers and freight for Idaho. She landed her freight for Santa Fe merchants and goods for our city dealers.
Crop prospects are reported opening good this spring throughout the West. The fruit crop will be limited in variety, as peaches, and in some places, plums and apples were killed by the cold weather last winter. The late rains have been splendid for the winter wheat.
DRIVE SLOW. --A gentleman of this city about to move to Fort Smith, loaded up his wagon yesterday with his household goods and family, and drove down Main street. Being in a "happy" condition, he made free use of the whip, slashig through the streets at a gay rate. When we saw him he was astride the wagon tongue, and the horses were crossing the sidewalk and ab out to enter a hardware store The family refused to ride further after his driving, and a lieutenant made his appearance and marched the furious john to headquarters.