Iced drinks are in order.
Why not remove the rubbish from Main street? It would not cost much, and would make an improvement in appearance that all would appreciate.
LOCAL NOTE. -- The Union Hotel is offered for rent. It is one of the finest business locations in town. The opportunity for securing so good a position is not offered every day.
The Monsoon passed down yesterday.
Maj. Neal will lecture on Temperance, at the Methodist Church, to-night. It is expected that Lieut. Bowen, of the 2d Colorado, will be present and also address the meeting. A general invitation is extended.
Mr. Samuel Lilley has shown us some fine specimens of cotton raised by him last season in Buchanan county. He tells us that many tried the experiment of raising this crop last season, and the result seemed to demonstrate that it might be raised with tolerable success in that locality.
We had the pleasure of a call yesterday from Rev. J. B. Tombes, President of Liberty Female College. We are glad to learn that the school under his charge is in a flourishing condition, and has prospects of increased usefulness and prosperity in the future. The people of Clay county are fortunate in the matter of schools, and their example should not be lost upon other localities.
Chaplain Hamilton, of the 2d Colorado, has shown us a copy of the Bible 227 years old. This rare old book was purchased by the Chaplain in Central City, Colorado. It was in the hands of an express agent there, who had obtained it from some adventurous rangers of the Rocky Mountain. Upon the title page is the following in print: LONDON: Robert Baker, Printer to the King's most excellent Majestie, and by the assignees of John Bill, 1637.