The Lexington Union says the Marcella lies at that place with a shaft broken.
The trade and travel from north of the river is very large, and increasing every day. The ferry is kept running almost constantly. A great deal of tobacco is brought to this market from Clay county, and the heft of our supplies of butter, eggs and general marketing comes from the same place. Success to Clay.
The thief Haggert, who stole the express money to the tune of $27,000, recently arrested at Lawrence, was taken back to St. Joe and lodged in jail. Only $700 were found on his person, and the fellow refused to state what he had done with the remainder. The officers accordingly procured a rope, and knotting one end of it around his neck and the other over a beam, jerked him into an uncomfortable situation, and upon regaining his footing, he confessed where he had hid the money. It was all recovered except $600, which is not yet accounted for.
There will be a Church meeting of the Baptist Church of Westport on Saturday, the 30th inst. Ministering brethren from a distance are expected to be in attendance.
The farmers are improving this fine weather, putting in their corn and potatoe crops. We are glad to learn that the number of acres planted in the county will be much greater than seemed probable a short time since.
The peach trees about town are putting forth their leaves. We see it stated that in some parts of this State the trees were killed to the roots by the cold winter. We hope the damage is not as extensive as feared.
The world renowned Alleghanians, Vocalists and Swiss Bell Ringers, who appear here on Friday and Saturday eves next, have met with great success in St. Louis. They closed their engagement there on the 15th inst., giving a real benefit to the Sanitary Fair, the whole proceeds netting (so says a St. Louis daily paper) over one thousand dollars. We hope other artists will pattern after and be as liberal as the Alleghanians.
On Monday last a bushwhacker came into Fort Scott on a visit, to see how things were going on. Unfortunately for him, he was recognized by some of the scouts that happened to be around, arrested and put in the guard house in a very short time.