Strawberries could be bought in this city yesterday for one dollar a quart! We don't eat that kind.
Pearson & Cutting's Polyorama of the War will visit this city next week.
The funeral of Eddie Kendall will take place to-day at 11 o'clock from Major Kerr's on Main street. The burial will be in the Catholic Cemetery.
The Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Company will sell tickets during the St. Louis Fair, for $16 the round trip, from this city and return. They give $3 on each ticket to the Sanitary Fund.
A magazine, in which powder was being stored by the merchants of St. Joseph, was blown up on Friday last. Two boys were killed. It is supposed they had thrown lighted matches through a hole in the door, causing the explosion.
Those who attended the Fair last week did not fail to notice, in the Fine Arts department, the display of millinery and fancy goods from the rooms of Mrs. Jacques. This lady has but lately located in our city, but she made liberal gifts to the Fair and contributed many articles to add to the completeness of the exhibition. Ladies wishing anything in the millinery line, would do well to give Mrs. Jacques a call.
Cash receipts for the Sanitary Fair to date, according to D. L. Shouse, Treasurer:$1,364.65.