Eggs and butter are becoming more plentiful in this market.
A load of Missouri fish sold out quick yesterday at six cents per pound.
LECTURE. -- The Nation's sin and punishment, slavery and its cure -- at Long's Hall this morning at 11 o'clock, by E. A. Harlow.
Several guests at the Saunders House in St. Joseph were robbed of money and other valuables one night last week. the perpetrator of the thefts has not yet been detected.
The Kansas City Bible Society has a good supply of bibles and Testaments always on hand, at their Depository, at the drug store of T. B. Lester, corner of Main and Fourth streets, opposite the Court House. Persons wanting Bibles would do well to call and examine the stock, as they are sold without profit, and at less prices than they can be had elsewhere.
The Enrolled Militia of the city assembled for muster yesterday, in accordance with orders. Maj. Shannon was on the ground as mustering and inspecting officer. The "able bodied" were out in pretty strong force. When fully armed and drilled, companies A. B, and C will make an efficient force for any emergency which may arise. The number of "exempts" in town is larger than would be imagined in such a healthy community. A large number have commuted, preferring to pay thirty dollars rather than run the chance of doing guard duty.