Miss Carrie Hiffert appears in new songs to-night. Do not fail to go and hear her.
Attention is called to the military orders, requiring the Enrolled Militia to meet at the Fort for muster and inspection to-day at 3 o'clock.
Positively the last concert of the Alleghanians and Swiss Bell Ringers to-night at Long's Hall. Let no one with music in his soul fail to attend the concert. Go, everybody.
To-day is the last day for enrolling in the Militia. All who have not done so, should do so at once. The necessity of keeping up a thorough militia organization is too apparent, in these war times, to need elucidation. All the loyal States are taking measures for a more thorough organization and discipline of their militia, than ever before. Missouri has quite as much need of such measures as any of her sister States, and nowhere in Missouri is the organization of the militia more necessary than on the Border.
The last Platte County Sentinel says there is a marked improvement in that county. The town is lively and every house occupied. New buildings are being erected. The Sentinel seems to be in a flourishing condition. It contains between sixty and seventy sheriff sales.
Gabel & Egelhoff are opening a splendid stock of boots and shoes at their new store on Main street. Their advertisement appears this morning, which we commend to the perusal of wholesale and retail buyers. Their stock is most complete, comprising everything from a satin slipper down to a rough brogan. They sell low for cash, and are prepared to fill any order. Merchants from Southern Kansas and New Mexico should give them a call.