A case of small pox made its appearance in Warrensburg recently.
Col. Foster raised a beautiful new flag over the Post Office yesterday.
Hon. E. C. Ingersoll, a War Democrat, has been nominated to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Owen Lovejoy.
Invitations are out for a grand May Festival at Long's Hall Thursday evening, May 5th. good music has been secured, and a pleasant time is expected.
The body of Surgeon Fairchild, lately murdered by the bushwhackers in Arkansas, passed through town yesterday.
A train of wagons from Johnson county, passed through this city Sunday bound for Pike's Peak. There were six families having all their household effects.
It is said that Mr. Wood, the intelligent correspondent of the London Star, is about to bring over from England a colony of first class laborers to settle on the rich plains of Northern Missouri or Kansas.
Capt. E. G. Ross, of the Eleventh Kansas, has been promoted to the rank of Major. He has fairly earned the position he now occupies. He is an old editor and printer. We wish him success.
The Platte County Sentinel says that on Tuesday last, a flock of sheep, numbering 1,100, passed through that place. They were from the farm of Major Levi Hinkie, of Platte county, where they have been wintered, and were on their way to Kansas.