The Emilie is bringing iron for the railroad now every trip, and we understand there are several boats on the way up the river with iron all the way from Quincy by water.
The veterans of the 25th Regiment were given a splendid reception at Saint Joseph last Thursday.
NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. -- Notice is hereby given to all persons owning or having charge of real estate and personal property, within the city, that they are required to furnish me, at my office, at the Court House, on or before the Second Monday in May next, a correct list of such property, and the actual value thereof. EDMOND O'FLAHERTY, City Assessor.
Lawrence, these days, is a busy place. The sound of the trowel and hammer is heard all day, and buildings are springing in every direction.
Major O. B. Gunn and family, including father Crosby and his wife, have finally left Wyandot, and gone to take up their residence in Atchison. They were among the oldest residents of Wyandot, were very highly respected, and their loss as citizens and members of society will be deeply felt.
T. D. Thacher and W. H. Chick are among many prominent Kansas City residents who have united in a call for a meeting, to be held on the evening of Monday, the 25th inst., at the Court House in this city, at 7 1/2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of making arrangements for perfecting a fire organization for our city.
Petty thefts from the stores in this city have become so frequent of late as to be a great nuisance to the merchants. The offenders are mostly females. They pick up articles with a skill worthy of the expert operators in eastern cities; shoes, dress goods, hoop skirts, ribbons, and sometimes more bulky articles are are gobbled by these thieves. It has been the practice of merchants when detecting these larcenies, to content themselves with recovering their property, and no public exposure has been made. The thing has become so great an evil that an example will have to be made of some of these light-fingered sisters.