The Chamber of Commerce meets this afternoon at the Merchant's Bank.
The following generous contributions to the Sanitary Fair have been made by the employees of Hammerslough Bro's, of this City. The have done nobly: Wolf Bacharach, Henry Miller, V. Bicking, Jacob Steinfield, Z. Salinger, Martin Josephs, Julean Haar, each $5, amounting to $35.00.
Rails sufficient to lay three miles of track arrived by boat from below at Wyandot, night before last, for the Union Pacific Railway. A large force of hands is busily engaged in laying the track -- the construction train running further and further out every day. The whistle of the locomotive is already becoming a familiar sound and the sight of cars arriving and departing daily for Lawrence will soon, we trust, be no less familiar.
Mrs. W. H. Jacques, recently from Leavenworth, who is now about opening a millinery dress making and trimming establishment on Third street, has taken the agency for those celebrated noiseless Grover & Baker family Sewing Machines, and has ordered a supply from the Company's Agent, Mr. L. J. Hartwell, from St. Louis. All parties purchasing these machines, will be instructed by Mrs. Jacques in their needs. These machines stitch, hem, fill, bind, cord, gather, embroider, manufacture its eye braid and sew it on at the same time.
D. L. Shouse, Treasurer of the Sanitary Fair, received of Capt. A. J. Lloyd, Post Q. M., one hundred and sixty-nine dollars, amount collected by him from the employees in the Quartermaster's Department, under his charge.
Pierce's Drug Store, Main street between Fifth and Sixth street has just received a fine stock of drugs and medicines, chemicals, dye stuffs, oils paints, window glass, wines, liquors, pomades, perfumery, fancy articles and everything kept in a first-class store. Dr. A. J. Pierce is a successful practitioner of many hears, and has met with unparallel success in the treatment of cancers, tumors, ulcers and all kinds of lung and liver impairments. Prescriptions of all kinds carefully compounded. His office will be open at all hours.