The river was rising rapidly yesterday.
The cavalry and infantry soldiers stationed at this Post, were out for inspection yesterday morning. Capt. Little was the inspecting officer.
The Indian Territory and Military Post of Fort Smith, have been transferred from the Department of Kansas to the Department of Arkansas. Gen. Blunt is ordered to report for orders to Gen. Curtis at Fort Leavenworth.
WANTED. -- To purchase, a small well-improved farm,, situated within tow or three miles of Kansas City. Enquire at the office of F. Putnam.
We call special attention to the notice of an auction sale by J. D. Daniels, who has long kept one of the best wagon yards in this city, in McGee's Addition. He has sold his hotel, and now will sell his furniture.
The little Kansas Valley went up yesterday with a full load of Government wagons which she took on, we believe, at Lexington. They were going to Fort Smith.
Rev. A. H. Dean will preach in the Baptist Church this evening at 7 1/2 o'clock P. M.
D. L. Shouse, Treasurer of the Sanitary Fair, acknowledges the receipt of fifty-one dollars and twenty-five cents from Professor E. M. Foote, per D. W. Wells, being one half of the net proceeds of his concerts in this city on Friday and Saturday evenings last.