The Military Telegraph line is completed from Sedalia to this place, via Warrensburg, Pleasant Hill and Independence.
Mr. Wilhite has opened a flour store on Main street. This is the next thing to a good mill.
The City Laws in regard to dogs, have been modified, and will be seen by an ordinance to be published this morning.
Bradley Barlow is on hand for the purchase of wool. He has every facility for bailing and storing wool, an will pay the highest cash price.
The Santa Fe Stage arrived on Sunday filled with passengers. The roads have improved and the trips are made from two to three days quicker than contract time. This line has a well earned reputation for promptness and is doing a fine business.
Five persons were baptized in the river west of the Gillis House on Sunday. The candidates were all of the colored Baptist Society of this city.
The Alleghanians are coming! The mammoth posters were put up yesterday morning, and crowds were looking at the pictures and reading the bills all day.
Judge Toler took us on a little tour of exploration through his ware rooms yesterday, where we found a splendid stock of new furniture just received from eastern manufacturers. Bureaus, bedsteads, wash stands, lounges, book cases, wardrobes, chairs, tables, &c., &c., completely fill up these large rooms. Any of our readers who are going to housekeeping or who desire to replenish or refurnish their dwellings with furniture, had better take a look at Payne & Toler's stock.