The Jennie Deans arrived from St. Louis yesterday morning. After unloading freight, she passed on up the river.
An immense crop of maple sugar has been made in Boone county this spring. It sells for twelve cents per pound.
The bushwhacker held as prisoner in this city, under sentence of death, had his sentence commuted by President Lincoln.
For the accommodation of his customers and his business, Mr. H. Ganz has opened a new clothing house, on Main street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. He has brought a very large stock of goods, and can meet the wants of the wholesale or retail buyers on very favorable terms.
Twenty dollars' worth of fruit trees have been donated to the Sanitary Fair. They must be disposed of immediately, as now is the time for setting them out. Orders for them, in amounts to suit, may be obtained at the store of Green & Long. We trust they will be bought in preference to others.
Night before last, there was a wedding at the house of Mr. Gallager, in the "Addition," at which quite a large company was assembled. During the festivities of the evening, a couple of fellows, in soldiers' clothing, walked in uninvited, and one of them offered to play the violin for a dance which was going on. His playing was not responded to immediately, the person "calling off" being temporarily out of the room. At this the fellow appeared enraged, stopped playing, and with his comrade went out, leaving the door open. They had scarcely gotten outside, when one of them turned and fired his pistol through the open doorway into the crowded room. By a miracle, almost, no one was hit, although the ball passed close by a young lady's head and entered the wall behind her. We do not know when we have heard of a more unprovoked or dastardly outrage than this. Several other shots were fired, but only the first one, we believe, entered the house. The male members of the company rushed out to apprehend the scoundrels, but they managed to escape. The military police were on their track yesterday, but had not arrested them so far as we were informed.