To-morrow is the city election.
Fine sheds have been built on Market street, near the levee, for the use of the Cavalry on duty at this post.
A fine day yesterday filed the city with people from the country. Fortunately they brought a pretty good supply of butter, eggs, and such articles as have been very scarce in the market lately. Our traders had a busy time all day.
Kansas City is the best tobacco market in the West. Wagons are unloading tobacco at Bachman & Welland's Tobacco House almost constantly.
McHenry has received, within the past two weeks, one of the largest and most complete stocks of Dry Goods ever offered in this city. I reminds one of the good old times. Everyone should call and look through his stock, whether they wish to purchase or not.
Mrs. Eby, we are informed, intends to contribute for sail at the Fair, a splendid silk quilt, of her own manufacture. It contains over 5,500 separate pieces, beautifully quilted and lined, all of silk. This will be a very choice and valuable contribution.
According to the Atchison Champion, two large dray loads of departed dogs, the victims of the late epidemic, were committed on Wednesday with imposing ceremonies to the tomb. They were followed to the banks of the turbid Missouri by a crowd of thoughtless boys, who unfeelingly exclaimed, "Here's your sausage!"
The Hamm House opens on Monday, under the proprietorship of J. R. Hamm. The name is short and expressive. The house has been thoroughly renovated, newly furnished, and will open in fine style. We bespeak success to the new house, and its enterprising host.
The laborers and teamsters in the employ of Capt. Case, have contributed $132.50 to the Kansas City Sanitary Fair. These men are at work by the month, receiving the wages of ordinary laborers. The amount they have given speaks well for their liberality and patriotism.