Preaching to-day in all the Churches.
Gen. Curtis is now in Keokuk, called thither by the serious illness of his wife. She was improving at last accounts.
Vandeviere, the guerrilla who was with Quantrell during his raid on Lawrence, has been sent to St. Louis to be tried before a military commission.
Capt. Ruggles re-advertises for "Proposals for furnishing fresh beef," to be received until the 15th inst. All "bids" received upon the 8th inst. were unreasonably high.
The telegraph has given us but a meagre report for several days. the recent storm has interfered with the working of the lines, and when in order here seems to be but little important news to send.
Two first-class city salesmen wanted at Shannon's. None need apply but those thoroughly acquainted with business, and who can come well recommended.
We are happy to announce to the patrons of the Journal of Commerce hat we have just added to our establishment a first class Book Bindery, and are prepared to execute all kinds of binding, blank book making, ruling, &c., in the best style. This department is under the charge of one of the best binders in the whole Western country, and we guarantee entire satisfaction.