Lieut. Scidmore and the recruits he has enlisted here recently went down on the Isabella yesterday.
A number of families just from Illinois were in town yesterday morning. They were on their way to Kansas where they are going to settle. They purchased from our merchants supplies, furniture, stoves, &c.
Quite a company from Washington county, Pa., was in town yesterday. They sold their farms in Pennsylvania for one hundred dollars per acre. They will better themselves by investing in the cheaper and better lands of Missouri and Kansas.
A Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this city, commencing this day, (Saturday, the 9th inst,) at 10 1/2 o'clock, a. m. The Rev. Mr. Shumate, Presiding Elder, has arrived, and will conduct the services.
Dr. Wood and Mr. Miller arrived from Fort Lyon yesterday. They came in with an ambulance. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Miller is recovering form the severe freezing which he suffered last winter. At one time it was feared that an amputation of the feet would have to be performed, but fortunately his physician has been able to save them. It is not often that a physician is called upon, in the practice of his profession, to take a coach ride, in making a single visit to his patient of 1,100 miles, as Dr. Wood has just done.
For several months past we have been urging, through the columns of the Journal, the advantages offered by this city as a point for manufacturing establishments. Already arrangements are in progress, with every prospect of completion, for a foundry and machine shop, a soap and candle factory, extensive brick-yards, and agricultural implement works. Most of these enterprises are started by men who have had their attention called to the matter by articles in the Journal. We shall continue to serve the substantial interests of the city and the State in the same manner. Every factory set in motion in Kansas City improves the value of every dollar's worth of property in Jackson county.
Those who wish to buy the cheapest and best quality of goods, will find it to their advantage to call at the new store of Briggs & Watson. They have got th3e finest lot of silk and other dress goods in the city. P. S. A few more of those good dollar shoes are left.