The grass begins to brighten under the warm sun of the last two days.
The ladies sported their parasols on the streets yesterday.
The Isabella arrived yesterday morning and the Marcella last evening. They both brought freight for this city. The river is low and navigation difficult.
A block, covering three lots, opposite the JOURNAL office, is to be erected this summer.
We had the pleasure yesterday of seeing in the Mechanics Bank a most beautiful painting of the Virgin Mary. It belongs to the collection of Mr. Jeffries of Cass county. He has a magnificent collection of paintings, most of which he is sending to Philadelphia, where his family is residing for a time. It is hoped that this picture and some others can be obtained for exhibition at the Sanitary Fair. They would be a great attraction. The picture of the Virgin was painted by the German artist F. Yttenbach. It cost, we believe, upwards of three thousand dollars.
Col. Penick has been elected Mayor of St. Joseph by two majority. Mr. Beattie was his competitor.
The newly elected city officers were sworn in yesterday and entered upon the discharge of their duties.
Miss Mollie Hopkins will open a school for small children on Monday, the 11th inst., at the office near the Methodist church.
We saw the other day, in Cooper & Gregg's warehouse, ox yokes enough to yoke nearly all the oxen between here and Santa Fe.
Seventy-two thousand brick in Coates' Addition, are for sale. They will be sold in one lot by David Slater.
Brigadier General Thos. Ewing, Jr., assumed command of the Military District of St. Louis on the 5th inst. The Republican says Lieut. Hannahs, 11th Kansas, is Assistant Adjutant General, and Lieut. Leland, 10th Kansas, is Aide-de-Camp on the General's staff. Gen. Ewing entered the volunteer service March 13, 1863, as a Brigadier General of Kansas volunteers. He was formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of Kansas, and is a native of Ohio. His history since being identified with the war on the border, is well known to all readers.