Commercial printing of all kinds executed in the best style of the art, and on the shortest notice, at this office.
The Lawrence Tribune says that a daily mail is about to be established from that place to Paola, by way of Baldwin City.
Mr. Balis gives twenty dollars' worth of fruit trees to the Sanitary Fair. This is a good example and worthy of imitation.
WANTED. -- We wish to purchase a good saddle pony; also to get a boy to deliver papers in Independence. He must have a pony. Call at this office immediately.
COMPLIMENTARY BALL. -- Cards of invitation are out for a grand complimentary ball in honor of Cols.. Ford and Dodd, to be given at the London House, Westport. A gay and festive season is expected.
A convention of the Colored Missionary Baptist churches of Kansas and Western Missouri, is now sitting at this city. Six churches are represented, and some of their ministers are evidently men of no mean ability. Success to them in all their efforts for the moral and spiritual good of their race.
Professor Foote, with his accompanying Quartette, will give a concert this evening at Long's Hall, one half of the proceeds of which will be given to the Sanitary Fair. Professor Foote comes with the very highest recommendations from Hannibal, St. Joseph and Leavenworth, where he has given similar concerts. Those who fail to go miss a rich treat.
Capt. Bevis, of Westport, has purchased a splendid blood horse from Iowa, for which he paid five hundred and eighty dollars, cash. "Pocahontas" is regarded as one of the finest stock horses ever brought into this section.