Farmers have commenced planting, but nothing can grow lo long as the weather continues so cold.
There's a farm in Washington Territory to exchange for Missouri or Kansas lands.
FOR RENT. -- The three story wooden dwelling house on Third street, near Market street. It is suitable for a Boarding House, or two or three families. Inquire of Mrs. Thiele, on the premises.
CAVALRY HORSES WANTED! Cavalry horses will be inspected and purchased at the office of District Quartermaster, Kansas City, until further notice. $135 per horse. Vouchers will be given for lots of not less than 8 horses, payable at Washington City. Inspections will be made on Monday and Tuesday of each week by the duly authorized inspectors. -- THEO. S. CASE, Ass't Quartermaster.
Grand Military and citizen's ball at Long's Hall Wednesday evening, April 20th. Professor Adams' String Band will be in attendance.
We feasted our eyes yesterday upon a regular, bonnafide Concord buggy. It was built by J. S. & E. A. Abbot, of Concord, imported by J. L. Sanderson, of this city, and sold to A. B. Light, of Paola, for u se in his livery stable. Sanderson had several others, but has sold them all. He expects more, however, of the same unrivalled make.
Rev. A. H. Kerr will give a lecture on the subject of Temperance, to-night in the Methodist church.
Stettauer & Co.'s New York Store announces the opening of another great dry good establishment in our city. Stettauer & Company have rented the entire building -- three stories -- immediately adjoining the Journal of Commerce office, and are opening out an immense stock of dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, caps and clothing. Ladies will find here the finest of dress goods. Remember the place, Stattauer & Co's New York store.
Before City Recorder Ellenberger was arraigned yesterday Judge James, on a charge of a breach of the peace, in violation of city ordinances. The case was prosecuted by City Attorney Judge Carpenter . Two witness testified, giving the facts of the affray between the defendant and Caleb Ford, substantially as reported by us yesterday morning. The Court imposed a fine of twenty five dollars and costs of suit.